Home Improvements & Repairs
Home improvements and repairs can make or break real estate appeal and values. My decades of real estate experience can impart knowledge to you on the future value of those improvements. For referrals of contractors and other home service providers, contact me for the most current recommendations.
It can be tricky to find reliable, reputable people to work on your home. Please contact me for current referrals and browse the links below for more resources.
Hiring Professionals

Visit the financing page for information
on how to finance your home repairs and improvements.

Virtual Decorating
Design Recommendations
This website by the National Association of Realtors can help you make smart and timely decisions about your home. With content covering home improvement, maintenance, taxes, finance, insurance, and even ways you can get involved in and enrich your community, HouseLogic can help you increase and protect the value of your home by helping you make confident decisions.